The Work Breakdown Structure in Government Contracting

The Work Breakdown Structure in Government Contracting

Gregory T. Haugan
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This new practical handbook teaches you how to employ the work breakdown structure (WBS) in government contracting to ensure that your contracts stay on track, on budget, and meet your objectives. Whether you’re a government employee involved in contract management or a contractor supporting a government project, this hands-on guide shows you how to use the WBS for better project results – from initiation to closeout.

An Invaluable Tool for Meeting New OMB A-11 Requirements NOW is the time for you to learn to use the WBS in your RFPs, SOWs, and proposals.

In 2002 OMB began requiring that all government agencies and contractors use the ANSI/EIA standard as the basis for project management and reporting. What’s more, in 2004 OMB will require that all budget proposals submitted for major acquisitions and IT systems or projects include a project management plan based on the ANSI standard for EVM. The Work Breakdown Structure in Government Contracting will help both government personnel and contractors develop plans with a WBS that meets and exceeds OMB’s requirements.

Content Type:
Management Concepts
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
CHM, 4.05 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2003
chm, 4.05 MB
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